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November plans

Foto del escritor:  sofiaparapluie sofiaparapluie

November already started but with so many things going on I didn’t have time to update the blog.

So this month I want to organise myself in order to accomplish all the goals I had in my mind.

Cookie day: as I explain last year, me and my sister started a family tradition and every year in November we bake different cookies to eat in the next month with a nice tea and company!

Office inside a closet: this is my biggest project for this month, I have a messy second room with little space and Had the idea of changing a normal closet in a office. Let’ s see…

Christmas tree decorations: I would like to knit and sew my decorations this year, I ‘ m thinking to use white, grey and maybe a little of red, I like nordic ornaments so I will inspire myself in this style.

Visit Meliés exhibition: last time I visit Madrid saw that was an exhibition about Meliés work and I will try to find time to visit.

Starting my illustrations: I’ m so happy to star to draw and paint again, I really feel like organise my colours and star my illustrations for postcards or decoration.

Refill my etsy store: for this month I will try to update my shop with nice and sweet baby stuff but with more surprises…

Finishing old projects: oh my, if you could see my knitting basket, I really have to finish some of the projects I started, I need space for new ones 🙂

So for this month I think I have enough, and about you, do you organise your month? And have you special plans for November? I would like to ear from you.



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